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Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Youth, not just gender, will shape our tech future

December 23, 2014

Gender isn’t the only factor when it comes to the evolution of tech
leadership. When BW reached out to three industry experts for their
thoughts on the gender issue, they all brought up age.  

BuiltWorlds Big Data Meet Up

‘BIG DATA’ draws crowd, blows minds, feeds buzz

December 15, 2014

Reflecting on last week’s successful joint program here, the Chicago
Architecture Foundation (CAF) and BuiltWorlds could hardly have been more
pleased with the SRO turnout and content-rich environment created by ‘The
BIG Idea: Experience Data’. 

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

C-Suite Corner: Q&A with Textura’s Patrick Allin

December 10, 2014

BuiltWorlds recently had the opportunity to speak with the Chairman & CEO
of Textura Corp., a 10­-year­-old, Deerfield, IL­-based provider of
cloud­-based collaboration and productivity solutions. The company’s
phenomenal growth in the last few years is evidence that its paperless
ethos is catching on.

Trumpeting a Smarter Way to Collaborate

November 21, 2014

The SmartUse Value Proposition, In 5 Sentences

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Wellness at the intersection of medicine + design

November 19, 2014

In a recent symposium hosted by Perkins+Will, experts in Health Sciences
and Education gathered for a deep dive into the evolving world of medical
education, allied health/science fields, and their effect on modern design
and construction. 

Our first ‘Speak & Connect’ hits it out of the park!

November 14, 2014

Thanks so much to everyone who attended our first-ever ‘Speak & Connect’
event on Nov. 6. We definitely feel the momentum building here at
BuiltWorlds and the electricity that arrived with you all that evening is
still illuminating our offices today.

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.