Contractors & Industry Companies

With access to in-depth research and benchmarking reports, case studies, and our global network of buildings and infrastructure construction professionals and stakeholders, contractors and other industry companies can develop membership packages tailored to their specific areas of interest, providing differentiating intelligence in an increasingly sophisticated industry. 

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BuiltWorlds base membership levels include member benefits tied to user licenses, tickets to events, job board placements, as well as newsletter and event sponsorships. Higher level memberships include access to your choice of research tracks.

Research tracks include access to in-depth reports in specific areas as well as access to monthly forum meetings where other members of the track gather to hear from expert speakers and share knowledge and intel around that specific topic area.

Click on the track name below to find out more.

BuiltWorlds Research Tracks

BuiltWorlds Research Tracks are add-ons to our base memberships (that include tickets, user licenses, etc.) which allow users to customize the deep level research they are most interested in.



  • 5 User Licenses
  • 3 Job Board Placements



  • 5 User Licenses
  • 5 Event Tickets
  • 3 Job Board Placements



  • 15 User Licenses
  • 10 Event Tickets
  • 3 Job Board Placements
  • 2 Research Tracks Added
  • 2 Newsletter Sponsorships
  • 1 Gold Event Sponsorship



  • 20 User Licenses
  • 15 Event Tickets
  • 5 Job Board Placements
  • 4 Research Tracks Added
  • 2 Newsletter Sponsorships
  • 1 Gold Event Sponsorship



  • 50 User Licenses
  • 35 Event Tickets
  • 10 Job Board Placements
  • ALL Research Tracks Included
  • 4 Newsletter Sponsorships
  • 2 Gold Event Sponsorships