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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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March Modularization and Prefabrication Call

More construction is taking place offsite. Modularity allows for faster onsite installation and reduced construction costs – with the right software approach, particularly in logistics. Hear from Britton Langdon (CEO, MSUITE), Roger Krulak (CEO, FullStack Modular) and Andrew Xue (COO, Offsight) in their presentations on the software side of modularization and prefabrication.

The Software Side of Modular Building

Britton Langdon, CEO at MSUITE, dives into how they make the prefabrication and modularization process simpler by providing transparency and real-time analytics on the BIM to Fab to Field processes.

Demo Day

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – WeatherBuild

WeatherBuild empowers contractors and owners to improve situational awareness and make better-informed decisions about weather events and schedule impacts.

2020 Venture Conference-Corporate & Traditional Investment Strategies: Benefits of Partnership & Co-Investment

Corporate players and their investment arms are key parties in providing use cases, validating, and expanding market reach to technology startups. Traditional Venture Capital firms are able to act quickly and provide ample capital to early stage tech companies on the verge of breaking through to the next level. These two parties working together in an investment effort can often be a mutually beneficial experience. We’ll explore this and be joined by two companies (A CVC, & VC) who have recently invested alongside one another.

Trackunit: Telematics Today- Eliminating Equipment Downtime

Telematics Today: Eliminating Equipment Downtime

Jeff Cohen, CEO of TrackUnit, delivers his presentation on how they are leveraging today’s technologies to give a greater visibility into utilization of all machines and tools and continuing to eliminate downtime.

EquipmentShare: How Fleet Management Technology Can Save Utilization

How Fleet Management Technology Can Save Utilization

Willy Schlacks, CEO of EquipmentShare, guides us through his presentation on how they are attempting to to change construction through their cloud-powered platform of fleet management.