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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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The Impact of COVID on Smart Building Products and Systems

Christopher Hoyes, Principal at Roland Berger, takes us on a journey through the trends of today and a future outlook for the building products and materials that go into the new construction and renovations of smart buildings as a result of COVID-19.

Addressing the Safety and Security Needs of Today’s Smart Buildings

Curtis Hrncirik, Senior Director of Security Solutions and Architecture at Soloinsight Inc., delivers a presentation on the products and building materials that are being used to ensure safety and security in today’s smart buildings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

February Building Products and Materials Call

Christopher Hoyes, Principal at Roland Berger, and Curtis Hrncirik, Senior Director of Security Solutions and Architecture at Soloinsight Inc., deliver presentations on the impacts we can expect in the retrofitting and renovations of smart buildings due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic.

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop: Risk Management Monitoring Tool – Beawre

Beawre Digital S.L. is the limited liability company that provides solutions for risk management. Prime focus of the company is to ease the risk management in highly volatile, regulated environments and provide the means to assess, optimize and monitor status of the risks in close to real-time fashion by leveraging non-intrusive methods of collecting influential data. Beawre’s priority domains include the automotive sector, construction of critical facilities, e-health or transportation (both in-land and aviation).

Bulley and Andrews Presentation

February Training and Development Call – Joe Koppers and Dana Erdman Presentation

Joe Koppers’ and Dana Erdman’s presentation on “Successfully Implementing Technology: from the Office, to the Jobsite.”

Builtworlds Procore Presentation 2021

February Training and Development Call – Peyton Spivey’s Presentation

Peyton Spivey’s presentation on “Implementation Blueprint: How to Roll Out a New Construction Management Platform.”