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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

Dive into our extensive library of 500-plus educational Analyst Call presentations, Conference and Summit sessions, Demo Day pitches, one-on-one interviews, and other video content that brings innovators and thought leaders talking industry trends, challenges, and solutions directly to your workspace.

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2020 Project Delivery Conference – Field Communication & Productivity

Speakers: Jake Olsen, CEO, DADO Chris Weaver, Director of Technology, Andy J. Egan Co. Session Overview:  Effective on-site communication between field workers, managers, and the office can be the difference between a project that stays on track and one that wavers. Hear from leading specialty contractors how they’re leveraging technology […]

2020 Digital Global Summit: France

Two of the leading accelerators in the industry, Vinci’s Leonard and LaFargeHolcim’s LH Accelerator have been active in partnering with industry players and startups around the world in a wide range of built world segments. This is a rare opportunity to hear from them about France’s vibrant ecosystem and the efforts under way emanating from their country.

Okibo Demo Drop

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Okibo (CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Competition Top Solution)

Congrats to Okibo, one of the top 5 finalists named as part of CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Startup Competition at our recent Venture Conference Demo Day!

Okibo is developing intelligent, mobile, multi-purpose and autonomous robots for use in construction sites.

2020 Venture Conference – Fireside Chat with Built Environment Investment Pioneers: Jesse Devitte & Darren Bechtel

BuiltWorlds Founder & Executive Chairman Matt Gray is joined by Building Ventures Co-founder & General Partner, Jesse Devitte, and Brick & Mortar Founder & Managing Director, Darren Bechtel. This fireside chat will cover the recent path that investment in construction tech has taken, and we’ll hear their views on what the future holds in terms of industry wide tech adoption and investor participation in the market.

2020 Digital Global Summit: Australia

From smart and sustainable buildings to robotics to some of the most successful digital workflow startups in the world, Australia is a highly active area of the Built World startup community.

Modulous Demo Drop BuiltWorlds Cemex Ventures Start Up Competition

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Modulous (CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Competition Top Solution)

Congrats to Modulous, one of the top 5 finalists named as part of CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Startup Competition at our recent Venture Conference Demo Day!

The Modulous Fastrack solution is a digitally integrated process enabling the rapid design, assembly and delivery of high quality, affordable, sustainable and smart homes.