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Northwestern’s MPM Students Present Technology Implementation in India

Builtworlds Presenting: Technology in Construction | Engineering Technologies in India Northwestern University Students on Technology Trends in Indian Construction MPM Student Presenters: Mohammadreza Lotfi and Vidhi Parekh Presenters discuss: The team highlights how low the proportion of formally skilled labor is in India relative to other countries and speaks to the consequent […]

Northwestern’s MPM Students Present Technology Implementation in China (BIM Technology)

Builtworlds Presenting: Technology in Construction | Engineering Technologies in China Northwestern University Students on BIM Technology  – China MPM Student Presenters:  Jiazheng Zhao and Zhengbang Liang Presenters discuss: The crowded urban areas of China demand an approach to technology in construction that optimizes a variety of structures on a large […]

Northwestern’s MPM Students Present Technology Implementation in China (Smart Buildings)

Builtworlds Presenting: Technology in Construction | Engineering Technologies in China Northwestern University Students on Smart Buildings  – China MPM Student Presenters: Xinpeng Tian, Qian Chen, and Xiaxue Xing Presenters discuss: Designed by Zaha Hadid,  Leeza SoHo  is  one of the featured examples of a smart building in Beijing; opened in 2019, features […]

Northwestern’s MPM Students Present Technology In Construction

Special Presentation: Technology In Construction. From around the globe, Northwestern University students of the  MPM | EMDC program present the latest developments in engineering education trends, tech infrastructure, and BIM software challenges. You will hear leading-edge technology developments from students in  India | Japan | Switzerland | China. The leadership […]

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Hiboo (CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Competition Top Solution)

Congrats to Hiboo, one of the top 5 finalists named as part of CEMEX Ventures 2020 Construction Startup Competition at our recent Venture Conference Demo Day!

Hiboo is a SaaS application that helps the construction industry to re-invent the way operations are being managed based on the data collected from all equipment. Hiboo collects and centralizes data from multiple sources on a single platform and turns it into actionable insights. We organise data according to the project context: by sites, by entities, by category of equipment etc. Each stakeholder has access to his own view: relevant assets and/or the full fleet. 

Josh Kanner Smartvid.io on predictive analytics

Josh Kanner, Founder & CEO of AI Platform, Smartvid.io and the Construction Predictive Analytics Council He Helped Found

In 2019, Smartvid.io CEO and Founder, Josh Kanner, joined us to discuss, among other things, his history in construction tech with Vela Systems; his latest startup, safety AI Platform Smartvid.io; and the Predictive Analytics Council he formed with Suffolk and other construction industry leaders such as Haskell, WEBCOR, EllisDon, Messer, […]