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Limbach Modular hospital

Prefabrication Methods & Modularization Presentation: Mark Lamberson (Limbach Holdings) & Britton Langdon (MSuite)

Mark Lamberson, National VDC Manager, Limbach Holdings Inc. & Britton Langdon, CEO, MSuite joined us for on our October Project Management Call focused on Prefabrication & Modularization.  Check out the video below for their presentation made during the call.

October Project Management Call: Prefabrication Methods & Modularization

What are the industry’s views on the importance of implementing pre-fabrication building methods? Has this attitude shifted in recent years? Modular buildings have also played a major recent role given COVID driven healthcare facility shortages and complications. What does the outlook on modular and prefab methods look like going forward?

Advances in Materials Call Presentation: Joe Dardis, AISC

Joe Dardis, Senior Structural Steel Specialist – Chicago, of AISC joined us for on our October Buildings Call focused on Advances being made in Building Materials.  Check out the video below for his presentation made during the call.

Advances in Materials Call Presentation: Paul Shahriari, Ecomedes

Paul Shahriari, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, of Ecomedes joined us for on our October Buildings Call focused on Advances being made in Building Materials.  Check out the video below for his presentation made during the call.   

October Buildings Call: Advances in Materials (w/ Q&A)

This call will explore the recent advancements made in innovative buildings materials, and the shifting attitude towards adoption. We’ll hear about how the steel industry is pursuing speed on all fronts to gain preference, and we’ll also hear about how next generation materials selection technology is both helping identify and drive changing trends in materials selection. Technology is driving changes in the materials we use in our projects, and this talk is about understanding how.

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – NEXT Energy Technologies

NEXT Energy has developed windows that contain transparent photovoltaic coatings printed on glass which transform UV & IR light into electricity. Their current product aims to provide seamless integration into windows and eliminate the encapsulation costs of traditional solar energy.