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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

Dive into our extensive library of 500-plus educational Analyst Call presentations, Conference and Summit sessions, Demo Day pitches, one-on-one interviews, and other video content that brings innovators and thought leaders talking industry trends, challenges, and solutions directly to your workspace.

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Fostering Reliable Business Growth Strategies in Data-Driven Environments

Analyzing markets and managing the building process through new technologies becomes essential to efficiently executing projects.

The New Age of Venture Capital in the Built World

Our Venture Conference was a full-day premium event that brings together the built world’s leading investors and hottest startups for a deep dive into the trends and themes shaping the new era of Venture in our industry. This panel featured our Industry Players.

BuildingConnected CEO, Dustin DeVan on his Simple Approach to Raising Capital in Silicon Valley

On our most recent trip out to Silicon Valley, we took the opportunity to sit down with the CEO and CoFounder of BuildingConnected, Dustin Devan. In this vid, he explains his simple, yet often ignored method of initially raising capital in Silicon Valley. When it came time to raise their next series round of fundraising, Dustin took another alternative approach. He delves into these methodologies and the origin story of BuildingConnected here. 

The Autonomous Effect on Komatsu’s Smart Construction

At our Machines in May, Ronak Amin with Komatsu brought the perspective from the world’s second largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment for their smart construction site

How the Construction Tech Division at Autodesk Functions like a Startup

With their BIM 360 software for working on the backbone of Forge, she speaks on the ways that Autodesk uses their internal horizons to innovate in construction tech.

Innovations in Infrastructure

As the projects we build become more ambitious in scale, form, and level of complexity, engineers face new challenges to make those forms a reality. This often involves innovative design, detailing, and fabrication solutions.