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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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The Future of Building Things

Inspiring the next generation of women in construction through STEM

During this panel from our first Future Workforce panel, we examined some of the initiatives that are currently underway to support a more diverse workforce and also to create opportunities to learn how to code and contribute to the changing industry.

How to Manage the Big Data Around Us

How master city planner Phil Enquist approaches responsible urban design

Phil Enquist resides at the vanguard of city planning. At our Cities conference, he delved into the planning and development of China’s Chongming city and SOM’s approach to the ecology of a city.

How Can We Pay for our Infrastructure

With massive infrastructure projects, Rick Adcock looks at how we can best pay for them at our event tackling Advanced Project Delivery and Public Private Partnerships.

How Startups are Bridging the Tech Gap

Todd Farwell from Caterpillar speaks to Jake Hamann of OneFire and Colin Evran of Yard Club about how CAT is leverages Startups to bridge the gaps between major corporations and the tech that will power the 21st century.