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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

Dive into our extensive library of 500-plus educational Analyst Call presentations, Conference and Summit sessions, Demo Day pitches, one-on-one interviews, and other video content that brings innovators and thought leaders talking industry trends, challenges, and solutions directly to your workspace.

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Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in Construction Today

Here, we explore the new trends in virtual and augmented reality in the construction industry. Put on your headsets and join us as we chat with a panel of experts.

Inclusion and Diversity Hiring Initiatives

Fostering more diverse workplaces, however, can be easier said than done. During this panel at our first Future Workforce conference, we heard how those working for owners, contractors, and engineers approach diversity in their hiring practices.

Driving a Building’s Design through AR and VR

We brought the experts to the table and they brought their knowledge. Explore the new virtual tools that designers and contractors are using, paying particular attention to how they are integrated with the data used to design and manage the building process.

Energy Execs Talk What’s Next for Grid Technology

What’s next for smart grids and microgrids? How will smart grids and microgrids advance our nation’s energy infrastructure?

How RFID Tracking Allows Vehicles Talk to Each Other

During a BuiltWorlds event, Zebra’s Adebayo Onigbanjo speaks on using a combination of IoT and Big Data for connected vehicles to talk on the road.

Meet SAM – the Automated Bricklaying Robot