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Which SaaS firm will win the construction industry? The market’s still open, says Zlien.

Fintech — it’s a buzzword and a space that’s getting crowded these days. But what about construction financial technology? Zlien thinks it’s ripe for disruption. Learn more about zlien, a software company that’s trying to improve the complex payment process for construction projects, on this episode of BW Sessions. The […]

Is autonomous navigation technology making jobsites safer?

On this episode of Safe Insight, we talk to 5D Robotics, a hyper-positioning software and sensor-based platform that transforms existing vehicles into autonomous vehicles.

Cheryl Foil Kiddar Capital

What is the final frontier in venture investing?

This episode of Venture looks at how Kiddar Capital’s Cheryl Foil utilizes her tech expertise in the built space. Foil stands as principal of the firm that began in 2007. Kiddar Capital was founded by construction and real estate industry veteran Todd Hitt and has recently begun to look into investing companies in the built space.

VisLab University of Texas

The University of Texas teaches students about BIM, virtual modeling in powerful Vislab

On a trip down to Austin, Texas, The University of Texas at Austin gave us a tour of their Visualization Laboratory (Vislab), which features advanced computing and high-resolution touchscreen monitors. We learned more about Lasso, the tiled 46” monitor display, and how it impacts large-scale visual analysis for processes such as BIM and virtual design.

How to get your AEC company to buy into adopting new technology

In this episode of All Hands on Tech, we sat down with Kaushal Diwan, Innovation Group Leader at DPR Construction, on how he successfully earns buy-in across the company for new ideas and technologies.

Challenges of live environments: Building a train station without stopping service

Back in 2012, the City of Chicago announced a major project to construct a new “EL” station at the intersection of Wabash Avenue and Washington Boulevard, one of the busiest sections of The Loop.

Construction of the $75 million station began in 2015 and is slated to open in late 2017. Come take a behind-the-scenes tour with us as we catch a glimpse of what designing, engineering, and constructing a train station is like in a live environment, without interrupting transportation service.