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How we’re building bridges better, faster — and with less impact to traffic

On this episode of Lightbulb, we take a closer look at Accelerated Bridge Construction and its benefits. We talked to experts at Wisconsin DOT, HNTB, and Sarens to learn more about the various methods that are quickly taking over traditional bridge construction.

People and projects: What it’s like working at The Helm Group construction firm

This BW session takes a look inside at the Helm Group. The Helm Group is the parent corporation for a family of privately owned companies that offer a full range of construction and maintenance services. Click here to learn more about Mechanical Inc.

CAT Investing with Startup Partners at SXSW and NASA | Venture: CAT Ventures

On today’s episode, we’re joined by a special host, Matt Gray, as he spends some time with Brian Lowry, Transaction Manager at Strategic Investments at Caterpillar Ventures. Their conversation in the BuiltWorlds studio covered a wide range of topics. Lessons learned from the automotive industry to leveraging the digital tools available making the jobsite a more efficient place to work and even a partnership between NASA and Caterpillar (CAT).

Inside a Specialty Contractor’s Pipe Fabrication Shop | Yard & Shop: Mechanical Inc.

On this episode of Yard & Shop, we took a tour of pipe fabrication specialist Mechanical Inc. Toss on your safety vest and come with us for a behind-the-scenes tour of their Freeport, Illinois-based facility. Click here to learn more about Mechanical Inc.

Adam Bridgeman Holt Ventures

How the new investments in tech are changing the heavy equipment industry | Venture: Holt Ventures

This episode of Venture brings the Director of Holt Ventures, Adam Bridgman, to the BuiltWorlds studio for a revealing chat. Known for developing the first tractor, Holt has innovated into a new investment company focusing on technology in the heavy equipment space. Click here to learn more about Holt Ventures

Building a Modern Plumbers Union with Gensler, W.E. O’Neil | Project Innovation: Plumbers Union

This episode of Project Innovation brings together some of the main minds behind the plumbers training facility, still under construction, in Chicago’s West Loop. We talk to general contractor (W.E. O’Neil), principal design firm (Gensler), and the building’s owner about the challenges they’ve encountered in designing and constructing the project.