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TYNTK | Electric Roads, Carbon Neutral City, 3D Printed Bone Implants

On this week’s Things You Need to Know we look at the expanding Panama Canal, the world’s first electric road in Sweden, stem cell bio-ink for 3D body implants and more. 

Building Your Custom Home in One App | Houzz: Unboxed

From decorating a room to building a custom home, Houzz connects millions of homeowners, home design/remodeling enthusiasts and home improvement professionals across the country and around the world. Houzz features the largest residential design database in the world and a vibrant community powered by social tools.

TYNTK | Zaha Hadid, Tech Hub at Newcastle Brewery, and Berkley Homes

On every episode of TYNTK, we cover some of the industries hottest headlines. This week, Zaha Hadid in New York, Tech at the Newcastle Brewery, and Berkley Homes.

Milwaukee Tool Takes Center Stage with One-Key Tech

On June 8, we spent the day in an abandoned Ace Hardware facility near downtown Milwaukee, previewing the local power tool manufacturer’s newest products. While the Milwaukee Tool team did deliver some exciting, level-breaking demonstrations (literally), the most captivating product they shared was One-Key.

Northwestern Students Test their Concrete 3D Printer | BuiltWorldsNU

To cap off the collaborative work with Northwestern University over the Spring 2016 semester, we followed up with a group of students from ME 329, a mechanical engineering capstone course. We asked the team’s project manager, Tim Stead, along with teammates Andy Schneider and Leo Deng, to join us in the studio for a live demonstration and brief interview.

D-Shape Enterprises | BW Sessions

Home to the world’s first 3D inkjet printer for construction, D-Shape’s aim is to take 3D Printing to the next level, to apply 3D printing where it is most needed – the built space. Most times this is on land. Other times this is under the sea. Now, they are looking in space.