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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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Metaprop NYC | BW Sessions

Boasting a program which hosts over 80 mentors, the MetaProp NYC real estate technology accelerator is one of the world’s foremost growth programs for nascent companies revolutionizing how we interact with our
cities. In this episode of BW Sessions, we went to Silicon Alley to see how.

How the Internet of Things Drives the Fourth Industrial Revolution | CEO Tech Forum 2016

From self-monitoring elevators to the genesis of the film industry, Rahul Garg, U.S. Commercial Lead for Microsoft talks about how the Internet of Things illustrates how the fourth industrial revolution.

Meet SAM: the Automated Bricklaying Robot | CEO Tech Forum 2016

How can robotics overcome the challenges that construction workers face in the field? Scott Peters, President of Construction Robotics, showcases the multitude of benefits behind their semi-automated bricklaying robot, SAM. 

The Future of Fresh Water | SmartWorlds

Less than 90% of the world’s population has access to potable water. Solutions must be implemented now to reverse this environmental predicament. BuiltWorlds community tackles this 21st-century problem. Pave
Drain, Storm & Stream Solutions, and the Water and Environment Foundation delivered their solutions.

How Startups are Bridging the Tech Gap | CEO Tech Forum

Todd Farwell from Caterpillar speaks to Jake Hamann of OneFire and Colin Evran of Yard Club about how CAT is leverages Startups to bridge the gaps between major corporations and the tech that will power the 21st century.

Highlights – BuiltWorlds’ CEO Tech Forum 2016

The built environment is changing, and we’re all making the shift. Take a sneak peek at the newest technologies, the latest innovations, and what some of the industry’s most important thought-leaders had to say about our built future at this year’s BuiltWorlds CEO Tech Forum.