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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

Dive into our extensive library of 500-plus educational Analyst Call presentations, Conference and Summit sessions, Demo Day pitches, one-on-one interviews, and other video content that brings innovators and thought leaders talking industry trends, challenges, and solutions directly to your workspace.

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Technology Reshaping the Real Estate Industry | Tech in Real Estate

The New Frontier of Safety Helmets – Guardhat | MCAA Student Summit

The revolutionary safety helmet is shown off at the MCAA’s 2015 Student Summit in Cleveland.

How 3D Printing Can Change Our Tomorrow – MasterGraphics | MCAA Student Summit

Take a 3D trip through what you may have missed at the MCAA’s 2015 Student Summit in Cleveland.

Digitally Managing Your Tools with One-Key | MCAA Student Summit

Milwaukee Tool unlocks the digital jobsite with One-Key at the MCAA’s 2015 Student Summit in Cleveland.

Using Lidar with High-speed Rail to Map Our Waterways – Future Mobility | SmartWorlds

https://youtu.be/tTEaOq4yzb8 Mike Garcia & Glen Campbell from Patrick Engineering speak about emerging transport technology is shaping the way we design, build, operate, and maintain our transportation infrastructure.

The Shared Economy and the Revolution of Bike Sharing- Future Mobility | SmartWorlds

https://youtu.be/TFc8Bz3EAK0 The shared economy is the new economy. Where is the most innovation needed to improve the functionality between transportation modes and infrastructure? Sean Weidel from the CDOT tells us that