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Josh Farkas on VR in Architecture | BIM/IPD Night

Josh Farkas of Cubicle Ninjas on Virtual Reality in Architecture Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two complementary tools in today’s AEC toolbox, but that doesn’t mean they
always work together harmoniously.

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Nancy Clark Brown on BIM data in real time | BIM/IPD Night

Nancy Clark Brown of Assemble Systems on BIM data in real time Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two complementary tools in today’s AEC toolbox, but that doesn’t mean they always work together harmoniously.

Steve Crowley on IPD team usage | BIM/IPD Night

Steve Crowley of Graycor Construction on IPD team usage on BIM/IPD Night Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two complementary tools in today’s AEC toolbox, but that doesn’t mean they always work together harmoniously.

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Interviews | BIM/IPD Night

On March 26th, BuiltWorlds had the chance to sit down with thought leaders David Ivey, Josh Farkas, Nancy Clark-Brown, and Steve Crowley during our recent event about the state of the union surrounding BIM/IPD. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two complementary tools in today’s AEC toolbox, but that doesn’t mean they always work together harmoniously.

Panel Discussion – Goose Island 2.0 | Project Innovation

Recap – Goose Island 2.0 | Project Innovation

On March 17, BuiltWorlds launched its Project Innovation Series, which kicked off with Goose Island 2.0, an event sponsored by CBRE and presented by Structured Development’s J. Michael Drew, R2’s Matt Garrison, CBRE’s Dan Lyne, and UI Labs’ Caralynn Nowinski. Much more than a beer company, Goose Island is one of Chicago’s most historical, yet underappreciated neighborhoods.