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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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Goose Island 2.0 | Innovation Plans

On March 17, BuiltWorlds hosted ‘Goose Island 2.0’, a well-received presentation and panel discussion on creative urban redevelopment in Chicago and elsewhere. Moderated by Dan Lyne of CBRE, the panel included
Matt Garrison of R2 Companies, Caralynn Nowinski of UI Labs, and J. Michael Drew of Structured Development.

Recap | BIM/IPD Night

Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two complementary tools in today’s AEC toolbox, but that doesn’t mean they always work together harmoniously. With that in mind, HOK’s David Ivey eight years ago started the Chicagoland buildingSMART meetup group for interested industry tech players to discuss “pain […]

Recap | AEC Hackathon 2015

Get a glimpse of what you missed at the first ever Chicago AEC Hackathon.

Highlights | Demo Night

Get a taste of what you missed on Demo Night as general contractors were out in strength, joining more than 100 other visitors from architects, subs, owners, and tech vendors who flocked to BW to play with toys like
DAQRI’s ‘Smart Helmet’ and IrisVR’s 3D headset.

BuiltWorlds & Chicago VR Meetup | Virtual Reality Night

BuiltWorlds in collaboration with the Chicago VR Meetup will be hosting a night centered around VR, with demonstrations and Q & A with VR professionals in architecture. irisVR will be doing a demonstration with
Oculus Rift Technology with founders Shane Scranton and Nate Beatty. Damon Hernandez of Spiral Concepts will be talking with the group as well and discussing VR in the built environment.

Lunch Break with Divvy

Elliot Greenberger of Divvy and Sean Wiedel of CDOT came by BuiltWorlds to discuss how Divvy has changed Chicago’s built environment and what their plans are for expansion in 2015