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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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Skyline Cockpit

Demo Drop: Skyline Cockpit

Zachi Flatto, CEO & Co-Founder of Skyline Cockpit delivers his Demo Presentation at the 2023 Paris Demo Night Competition hosted at the Le Meurice hotel this past June. Skyline Cockpit is a company that allows tower crane operators to remotely control the crane operations at job sites from a safe […]

2023 Venture East: Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Project Planning & Productivity

Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Project Planning & Productivity Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a central topic of nearly every conversation surrounding innovation. AI is a topic that can’t be ignored — which is why we are addressed the elephant in the room out of the gates in Miami. This […]

Exploring Innovations and Sustainability in Building Materials – Analyst Call

Overview On our November 29th Analyst Call we were joined by 3 representatives from unique startups looking to transition cost-effectives, sustainability, and high performance into building materials. Each was given an opportunity to present their specific solution to issues that have long plagued many industries as they try to figure […]

2023 Americas Summit: What is the Future of Modular Construction?

Lightning Round III: What is the Future of Modular in Construction? With a growing desire to remove variables, contractors, manufacturers, and the like are looking for controlled, offsite environments to safely standardize as many processes as possible. With modular construction becoming commonplace, the industry is trying to determine best practices […]

BuiltWorlds Session: Peter Crawley, CEO & President, PCC Integrate Inc.

Peter Crawley, CEO and President of PCC Integrate Inc. sat down with the team at our 2023 Buildings Conference this past May to chat about what’s happening around their business and what tech solutions Crawley is most looking forward to down the line. We asked Crawley if he could debunk […]

Demo Drop: Aitenders

Company Overview Aitenders’s platform provides companies responding to public and private tenders a unique way to unlock intelligence from their tender and project contractual documentation to help builders make better collaborative decisions, with full traceability while capitalizing on the team’s expertise. BuiltWorlds tracks startups across the ecosystem along their journey […]