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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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Project Management

Analyst Call – Transforming Construction Project Management in the Age of Big Data

November’s first analyst call discussed how properly harnessed data has the potential to make construction projects safer, simpler, and more efficient through  — while wrongly interpreted project management data can have serious negative implications for organizations. The call was facilitated by BuiltWorlds Research Analyst, Alexis Adams, and featured industry experts […]

BuiltWorlds Session: Adam Cisler, Senior Solutions Engineer, Avvir

Adam Cisler, Senior Solutions Engineer at Avvir, took the time to join us at our prestigious 2023 Construction Tech Conference, where we engaged in an enlightening conversation about his past 18 years in the construction field and his new start at Avvir – a construction risk analysis platform that focuses […]

BuiltWorlds Analyst Call: Future Workforce

The recording of this Analyst Call, which has hosted to address the pressing issue of the labor shortage in the construction industry, provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by the sector and potential solutions to revitalize its workforce. During the event, guest speakers Rich Camacho, CEO of Blue Recruit, […]

AI/ML - session video

Siavash Mohseni, Dir. of Innovation, DIVERGE – Calls for Focus on AI/ML in the Industry

Siavash Mohseni, Dir. of Innovation, DIVERGE – Calls for Focus on AI/ML in the Industry – Strengthens BuiltWorlds Conviction in new AI/ML Research Track Siavash Mohseni, Director of Innovation for Diverge sat down to speak with us at this year’s Buildings Conference that took place in Chicago this past May […]

Demo Drop: BeeInventor

Harry Chan, CEO, BeeInventor delivers the IoT company’s demo at the first ever BuiltWorlds Tokyo Summit Demo Night Competition on 10/17,2023 at Kajima’s Annex building in Tokyo Japan. For those not able to attend the Tokyo Summit in person and hear the announcement in-person, BeeInventor was this year’s popular vote […]

BuiltWorlds Analyst Call: Generative Risk Mitigation

Today’s Analyst Call featured Georgia Stillwell, Head of Professional Services EMEA, for ALICE Technologies to talk through Generative Risk Mitigation; what it is and why it’s important. Before Stillwell began her presentation, BuiltWorlds Research Analyst, Alexis Adams,  set the stage for this discussion by giving the group a preview of […]