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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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Demo Drop: BotBuilt

The early-stage winner from our 2023 Americas Summit Demo Day Competition: BotBuilt creates construction components with robotic precision using AI and computer vision. Framing components are shipped directly to the job site, making framing up to 5x faster. BotBuilt creates safer job sites, sustainable systems, and a better path to […]

BW Sessions: Vivin Hegde, GP & Founding Partner, Zacua Ventures

In the latest BuiltWorlds Session video we sat down with Vivin Hegde, GP and Founding Partner at Zacua Ventures to get his thoughts on where the construction tech industry stands and where it’s headed. Zacua Ventures is a newer player in the Contech Venture Space and has quickly become one […]

2023 Construction Tech Conference: Making Life Easier for the BIM Team

Though fax machines may not be the primary communication tool anymore, grueling takeoff activities, call sheets, and manual efforts still plague estimating teams across the globe. This panel explored the increasing innovations in technology and AI that allow bid teams to more efficiently perform takeoffs, identify subcontractors, and ultimately win […]

Mike Mahan - Stanley Ventures

Session Video: Mike Mahan, Managing Director, Stanley Ventures

Mike Mahan, Managing Director of Stanley Ventures sat down with our team at the 2023 Construction Tech Conference this past July in Chicago, Illinois to talk about what he’s most looking forward to within the Stanley team. Mahan says that he’s most excited about Stanley’s Construction Technology team that centers […]

Demo Drop: Modulatio

Modulatio helps to modulate the density of building materials according to a project’s needs. Their solution is formulated around a “constructive ecosystem” in concrete that is efficient in terms of material, weight, time, and CO2 emissions.

Demo Drop: Sensorita

From our 2023 Paris Summit Demo Night at the Le Meurice comes a presentation from Ulrikke Lien, CEO and Co-Founder of Sensorita, about their mission to provide efficient waste management through key analytics. COMPANY OVERVIEW Sensorita offers a solution to help waste companies to cut their costs and emissions through […]