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Analyst Calls & Session Videos

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2023 Buildings Conference: SOM Presentation on 800 Fulton Market

Ahead of SOM’s guided tour of 800 W Fulton Market on Thursday, 5/18, Kevin Rodenkirch, and Julie Michiels will present on 800 W Fulton, an immersive mixed-use office building in Chicago’s Fulton Market. Speakers: Kevin Rodenkirch, Associate Principal, Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) Julie Michiels, Senior Associate Principal, Skidmore […]

2023 Buildings Conference: The Changing Role of the Contractor in the Design of Buildings

How Prefabrication, Lifecycle Costing, and Other Factors are Changing the Role of the Contractor in the Design of Buildings This panel took a look at emerging trends and technology in prefabrication and lifecycle costing as a tool to understand how the role of the Contractor away from the site is […]

Buildings ESG

2023 Buildings Conference: How Sustainability / ESG Priorities are Changing the Way we Design & Build

How Sustainability / ESG Priorities are Changing the Way we Design & Build As Sustainability and ESG initiatives continue to gain traction and recognition in the built environment, it is no surprise that traditional design and buildings techniques are evolving. Across the value chain, we are seeing paradigm shifts that […]


Analyst Call– H2 Venture Capital & Investing

This analyst call was facilitated by Daniel Laboe with guest speakers Asset Abdualiyev, Co-Founder, BuildTech VC; Kaushal Diwan, Corporate Director, Strategic Investments & Partnerships, DPR Construction; Vivin Hegde, General Partner, Zacua Ventures; and Mike Mahan, Managing Director, Stanley Ventures. The call was centered around venture capital within the AEC space, […]

Demo Drop: ATMOS

This week’s Demo Drop features a presentation from our 2023 Paris Summit by Ruud Knoops, Founder & CEO of Atmos. Atmos designs and manufacturers dependable aerial observation along with data gathering solutions for its users. They specialize in industry standard surveying and mapping VTOL drones that are resilient in even the […]

BuiltWorlds Session: Belinda Carr, Prefab Research Coordinator, DPR Construction

In this session interview we hear from Belinda Carr, Prefab Research Coordinator at DPR Construction as she discusses why she thinks that Prefab is one of the most exciting developments taking place not only within DPR but across the entire industry. Belinda’s background in the BIM field has given her […]