BuiltWorlds Benchmarking Program

A Tool to Best Understand Your Business

The BuiltWorlds benchmarking program is the premier industry tool purpose-built to help built world innovators learn, measure, and make decisions related to technology solutions, research & development, and innovation strategies. Participating in the benchmarking program will provide you with the information you need to optimize your existing tools, identify new solutions, and position your business in the optimal way.


Gain access to a wealth of information to best understand how technology is changing, which solutions are effective, and how businesses are best positioning themselves through innovation.


Participate and receive your own customized assessment report, providing you with the information you need to make actionable business decisions related to technology and innovation.


Each year, companies who participated have the opportunity to win our "Top Solutions" and "Digital Leaders" award based on an objective rating of the most effective technologies and use of technologies.

Want to learn more about the benchmarking program?

Fill out the form and our team will contact you