About SuperDroid Robots

SuperDroid is not your typical robot startup because this group has been doing this for more than 20 years. Over that time, SuperDroid has built thousands of custom robots, fully assembled robots, and robot kits for nearly every industry and has clients spanning the globe in over 110 countries.

The company (and workshop) continued to grow and grow over the years, as did the complexity of the robots the team created. SuperDroid has built custom robots for Fortune 500 companies down to neighbors down the street, some small enough to fit in your hand to a 42-horsepower robot dubbed “Overkill”, as well as autonomous, omnidirectional, and found a niche with inspection robots.

In 2022, REX Technology Solutions took the reins of the company. SuperDroid Robots is the hardware complement to REX Technology’s software offer, DesconPlus, a 40+-years-old connection engineering design software.

REX Technology carries on the tradition of building amazing custom robots, while adding more focus to solving business challenges. The SuperDroid team continues to iterate and improve the design and functionality of our Inspection Robots, Tactical Robots, and Autonomous Robots.


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