Case Study: Yprema Reduces Equipment Consumption With Data From Hiboo’s Sharing Service

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Project Details

Every year, Yprema submits a sustainable development report that tracks all of its resource usage, including fuel, water, and electricity. In 2020, Yprema specifically focused on monitoring its diesel fuel consumption to manage costs and improve efficiency. Leveraging its innovative approach, the company promptly developed an action plan to decrease equipment usage.

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The primary goal was for Yprema to decrease equipment usage by tightening up its tracking measures.

  • The experiment on the manufacturer platform was hindered by its complexity, and the difficulty to obtain and understand the information, requiring technical expertise, a good level of English and exporting the information to Excel.
  • The hardware solution was not suitable, as it did not allow the retrieval of data from several brands of machines, and required the installation of a device for the data feedback from the machines.


The idling rate of machines dropped from 30% to 16.5%.

  • By the end of 2022, Yprema has succeeded in reducing the average idling rate of its machines from 30% to 16.5%, which represents: 52,920 liters of GNR and €70,000 in savings, the equivalent of 24 minutes less idling per day per equipment and, 167 tons of CO2, the equivalent of 96 round trips between Paris and New York by plane.
  • Yprema has also been able to better manage their progress rate with rental company Bergerat Rent. The progress rate is the comaprison between actual use and the contracted use of the machine.

Next Steps & Future Use

Seeing success with Hiboo's platform, Yprema has gone further in the use of data. Since the end of 2022, Yprema has been visualizing tire data on the Hiboo platform for a first batch of machines, and the results are already visible. The company turned their attention to TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) data, which is now integrated in a number of equipment.

BuiltWorlds Analysis

Nearly a third of BuiltWorlds benchmarking survey respondents indicated using a fleet management solution on every project. Hiboo's platform has promising applications for both fleet management tracking and for enabling more sustainability within the construction industry, with its main use case being for usage tracking across fleets. Hiboo currently works with clients within their own specific softwares or directly in Hiboo's own fleet management platform - displaying a dedicated commitment to working alongside clients to fulfill their needs.