2024 Construction Tech Conference: Automating Construction and Maximizing Efficiency with Robotic Solutions

Automating Construction and Maximizing Efficiency with Robotic Solutions | July 25, 2024

The construction industry is on the verge of a major transformation, thanks to the integration of robotics. As technology continues to advance, the use of robotics is set to revolutionize the way we plan, design, and execute construction projects. This panel discussed the various ways in which robotics are changing the construction industry. The panelists talked about the current state of robotics in construction and highlight the latest innovations and how they can enhance productivity, efficiency, safety, and sustainability. They will also examined successful case studies and address potential challenges to provide valuable insights into utilizing the full potential of robotics to drive the industry towards a new era of construction excellence.


  • Brent Wadas, CEO, BotBuilt
  • George Perrett, Operational Excellence – Scaffolding, Peri
  • Ivan Mutis, Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Kate MeLynda, President & Chief Business Officer, Formant