Demo Drop: Veristart

Veristart is a company hoping to bolster equipment safety and security by reimagining the way people on jobsites are able to start equipment and controlling who has access to which piece of equipment. Craig Hannam,
Co-founder & CEO, Veristart Technologies delivers his pitch at the BuitlWorlds 2024 Toronto Summit to our panel of judges. Hannam begins the presentation by showing a staggering issue with the current way that keys for large construction equipments are being manufactured. Currently master keys are being produced by manufacturers by brand that would allow anyone with a master key to start a piece of corressponsing equipment. These master key sets can be purchased on Amazon by anyone with this knowledge and can be used to break into and start equipment left overnight and unattended at job sites all over the world.

Hannam points out that while several solutions to this issue do exist, they mostly fall short due to human error. One existing solution that has been widely adopted is the use of codes to start equipment. The issue, Hannam says, is that many workers will forget codes that can lead to wasted time, they use very easy to guess codes, or worse, they write the codes on the inside of the cab near the ignition.

Veristart is a cloud-based solution that would require workers to sign in and verify prior to being able to start the machine. This technology not only ensures that only people who are supposed to have access are the only ones who are starting it, but can also help prevent untrained workers from attempting to start the equipment as well.