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Demo Night dazzles in multiple dimensions

February 5, 2015

General contractors were out in strength last week, joining more than 100
other visitors from architects, subs, owners, and tech vendors who
flocked to BW to play with toys like DAQRI’s ‘Smart Helmet’ and IrisVR’s 3D

VR Night a success, virtual, real, all kinds

January 29, 2015

VR Night this week became more than a tuneup for Demo Night, as members of
VR Chicago visited BuiltWorlds to try out new Augmented Reality headsets
and listen to presentations from IrisVR and virtual guest Damon Hernandez.

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Gathering Clouds Hold Silver Linings for Project Teams

January 29, 2015

In less than three years, Houston-based Assemble Systems has compiled a
big-name customer list. Contractors are drawn to the firm’s cloud platform
that keeps project team members on the same page, says CEO Howard Davis.

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Reality capture drives value, point by point

January 27, 2015

Reality capture brings exponential value to your project, whatever the
scope. When technology allows us to improve our current process, we are
able to provide higher value for our partners and customers.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Growing its global mix, Chicago tech incubator adds Brazilian startup

January 25, 2015

Recently named the world’s #1 emerging tech park, the University
Technology Park at the Illinois Institute of Technology is adding yet again
to its growing team of global problem-solvers.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Leaving the tried and true to ‘engage’ a higher calling

January 15, 2015

Lean but not mean, Chicago startup Engage Civil is not only looking to
reinvent the engineering profession, but owner Kelsey Taylor wants to
elevate the industry, as well. Some may say that he’s a dreamer, but… 

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