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BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Gearflow (Mid-Continent Startup Challenge Winner)

Congrats to Gearflow! The Winner of our 2021 Mid Continent Construction Challenge! Gearflow – construction equipment and parts marketplace of dealers, OEMs, contractors, and parts sellers. About Demo Drops Weekly Demo Drops are sponsored by BuiltWorlds Venture Forum (BVF).  BVF brings together action-oriented GCs, engineering firms, and other strategic players in […]

Rebartek Venture Forum Demo Drop

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Rebartek

Weekly Demo Drops are sponsored by BuiltWorlds Venture Forum (BVF).  BVF brings together action-oriented GCs, engineering firms, and other strategic players in the construction sector that share in the belief that change and innovation needed in the construction industry should be led by the industry itself. BVF members look to […]

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Soil Connect

Soil Connect Soil Connect is a platform created for excavators, contractors, builders, landscapers and other building professionals who work with soil and aggregates on a regular basis. The platform connects those who have it, with those who need it. By enabling users to transact at shorter distances, they money while […]

Smart Building Framework

Across their portfolio, Carr Properties is applying a digital business design program that allows them to connect building to building.

Evolution of Computing Architectures and Data Centers

As cloud infrastructure proliferates and continues its evolution, computing and application development solutions are becoming significantly more distributed and complex.

Interconnectivity: The Backbone of Budding Smart Cities

Interconnectivity, the backbone of Smart Cities, is one area where novel advancements continue to sprout. For example, the Internet-of-Things (IoT), a network of physical entities—streetlights, phones, cameras, etc.—embedded with sensors and software, allows cities and businesses to relay vital data and create statistical models instantaneously.