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BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – Datumate

Datumate provides an automated software-as-a-service cloud platform designed and built for infrastructure construction projects. It enables construction companies to monitor project progress, ensure quality, and control budgets based on actionable project execution metrics extracted from field data.

Become Proactive with Predictive Maintenance

More and more, the construction industry is taking a proactive approach to this issue with predictive maintenance. This involves taking smaller, proactive measures to predict and avoid machine/component failure. If you can fix it before it breaks, no jobsite productivity is lost.

Predictive Maintenance Benefits

Modern Predictive Maintenance uses information from sensors, equipment records, etc., and transmits them in real-time to send alerts via IoT so tools can be proactively maintained and fixed.

Predictive Maintenance: Real-Time Analytics and Sensors to Prevent Downtime

Neil Ross, Director of Technical Strategy & Architecture at Schneider Electric, and Dwight Stewart, Founder & CTO at Igor, deliver presentations in this session on how technologies are being utilized to establish predictive maintenance in today’s built environment.

Dwight Stewart, Founder & CTO, Igor

Buildings ’21 Conference: Digital Twins and the Future of BIM

Salla Eckhardt leads this panel, alongside an esteemed group of industry experts, focused on digital twins and the future of BIM.

BuiltWorlds Venture Forum Demo Drop – DADO

Bridging the Digital Divide For Trade Contractors and Trade Workers. Much like a dado cut, DADO joins all your data and documents from many sources into one searchable system. A growing digital divide is being caused by the increased adoption of software in construction offices and the field. DADO bridges that divide as the only construction-specific, data-and-documentation search engine for shop drawings, plans, specifications, submittals, spool drawings, and more.