Reality Capture Sets New Standards In Construction – A Preview to BuiltWorlds’ ‘Reality Redefined’ Panel

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Reality capture technology is transforming the construction industry, turning once time-consuming and error-prone tasks into streamlined, precise operations. By harnessing the power of 3D laser scanning, drones, and photogrammetry, construction professionals can create highly accurate digital representations of physical spaces. This innovation is not just a leap forward in technology; it's a game-changer that enhances project planning, design, and execution. The result is fewer errors, lower costs, and improved collaboration among all stakeholders, paving the way for more efficient and successful construction projects.

Imagine being able to walk through a job site without ever leaving your office. Reality capture makes this possible, offering an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy that revolutionizes how we approach construction. As digital transformation continues to reshape the industry, reality capture is emerging as a cornerstone of modern construction practices. Its ability to provide real-time, precise data ensures that every phase of a project is meticulously planned and executed, setting new standards for excellence and efficiency.

With reality capture playing a crucial role in the industry, it's no surprise that it will be a major focus at BuiltWorlds’ Construction Tech Conference. A dedicated panel of experts will delve into the latest advancements and applications of this technology, exploring its impact and future potential. Our panelists include an executive from a technology solution provider, two VDC leaders at general contractors, and a strategic leader in technology integration at a general contractor - offering a diverse array of perspectives on reality capture.

The panelists will discuss the latest innovations in reality capture and share case studies and real-world applications of the technology. They will also discuss how contractors can seamlessly integrate reality capture software and solution programs into their tech stacks. The conversation will also focus on future trends, potential hurdles, and ways to leverage reality capture tech in the long term. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into how reality capture can drive innovation and success in their projects.

Meet the panelists


David Gaw

David Gaw is an entrepreneur, having founded 2 companies and been the first hired executive in 2 others over the past 24 years. His first company, Coactive Networks, a pioneer in m2m/IoT, created some of the first hardware/software systems to connect devices such as thermostats to the Internet in the late 1990’s. Gaw has worked in various technology areas including wireless broadband, robotics, and AI software. He founded Sensera Systems in 2012 with the goal to dramatically simplify and reduce costs for remote monitoring systems by combining wireless and solar power. He currently serves as the company's Chief Strategy Officer.


Zachary Johnson

Zachary Johnson is the Director of Virtual Design and Construction at Nabholz. Johnson's background is in Electrical Engineering, and he has worked for the Nabholz for the past seven years. Johnson's work in VDC at Nabholz encompasses all sorts of field technology including BIM, spatial coordination, drones, site visualizations, reality capture, AR/VR technology and more.


Daniel Meissner

Daniel Meissner is currently VP of Growth & Strategic Partnerships for Building Digital, a Division at EllisDon offering technology consulting services to the industry. Meissner helps subtrades and clients to begin or expand on their own enterprise technology adoption using the lessons that EllisDon and DDE have learned over our 20 years of software development, data management, and cybersecurity practices


Joe Glynn

Joe Glynn's journey into the construction industry was unconventional. Initially an aspiring video game developer, he utilized his skills in 3D motion graphics, video game development, and photography to create his own game after college. When that didn't work out, he found an internship with Clune Construction's Virtual Construction team. He transitioned into a full-time role as a BIM Associate in 2013 and has been instrumental in expanding Clune’s Virtual Construction team company-wide. Glynn’s skills helped the department grow nationally, and he takes great pride in pushing the boundaries of his team’s capabilities. As his career progresses, he increasingly values the relationships he cultivates and sustains.