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Q4 2021 Investment Activity Summary – Request

January 24, 2022

As we continue to progress into a more digitally advanced world, the use of data analytics in all aspects of society will continue to increase. Q4 2021’s largest venture deal, in which Density raised $125M led by Kleiner Perkins, aims to further advance the use of data analytics in the built […]

Q3 2021 Investment Activity Summary – Request

November 1, 2021

Complete the form within to get an in depth look at the Built Industry Venture activity that took place during Q2 2021.

BuiltWorlds 2021 Infrastructure Tech Report

September 22, 2021

American Infrastructure and Its Future  The United States’ economy remains the world’s largest, yet it only maintains the 13th best infrastructure according to a 2019 report by the World Economic Forum – one of its lowest benchmark performance areas, based on the report. The fact that the majority of U.S. […]

Q2 2021 Investment Activity Summary – Request

July 22, 2021

Complete the form within to get an in depth look at the Built Industry Venture activity that took place during Q2 2021.

2021 Project Management & Oversight & Field Solutions Technology Report

July 14, 2021

The Built World is ever-changing-everywhere you look it is constantly influenced by innovative construction technology and ideas. These new advancements can help companies, regardless of size, expedite processes and increase safety in many areas of their work. Given the many possible directions available when implementing new tech, the decision-making process […]

Ahead Of The American Jobs Plan, Built Industry Venture Deals See A Boost In Q1 2021 – Request

April 12, 2021

Complete the form within to get an in depth look at the Built Industry Venture activity that took place during Q1 2021.