Technology Specialty Reports

BuiltWorlds Technology Specialty Reports ("Tech Specialty Reports") are a one stop shop for clear, 3rd party, up-to-date information on technology solutions spanning a wide variety of solution areas in the construction tech space. These reports are intended to provide potential technology buyers the tools needed to assist with their search for the next right fit in the tech stack.

The BuiltWorlds benchmarking program divides technology solutions into five categories: project management & oversight, preconstruction, field solutions, offsite/modular, and advanced machinery and equipment. Each of those areas then contain multiple "tech specialty areas" which categorize technology products and solutions relative to other, similar solutions. Where the annual benchmarking reports provide quantitative data points on adoption rates, solution quality, and top solutions, tech specialty reports take this information a step further. Each report contains the following information:

1) State of the technology solution area

2) Detailed solution information including key features, strengths, and a BuiltWorlds Maturity Rating

3) Market analysis of the solution area

4) Year over year trend analysis and context supported by adoption rates and new technology innovation

5) "Future Disruptors" aka early stage technology solutions that may have a major impact on the area in the coming months and years 

Interested in Participating in the Benchmarking Program?

Click the button here to access the benchmarking home page. The home page will provide an overview of the program, along with access to each survey

Not an enterprise or strategic member, but interested in a preview?

Click here to check out a sample report and learn more about getting involved.