2024 Construction Tech Conference: Smart Foundations: Preparing for AI and ML Integration in Construction

Smart Foundations: Preparing for AI and ML Integration in Construction | July 24, 2024

Watch the video above for a compelling exploration of AI preparedness within the construction industry in the discussion. Expert panelists delved into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, examining its role in revolutionizing project management, design optimization, and risk mitigation. Attendees will gain insights into the latest AI applications tailored to construction, from predictive analytics to autonomous equipment, and explore strategies for integrating these technologies into existing workflows. By navigating the challenges and opportunities of AI adoption, attendees will emerge equipped with a deeper understanding of how AI can drive efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage in the construction sector.


  • Alan Espinoza, Solution Architect, Graitec
  • Ivy Nguyen, Principal, Autotech Ventures
  • Dan Williamson, Director of AI, Ryan Companies
  • Joel Hutchines, CPO, Slate Technologies