2022 Construction Tech Conference: Progress in Progress Tracking

To kick off the afternoon of Day 2, Eveart Foster, Director of Technology Adoption at BuiltWorlds, moderated a panel discussion centered around the current and future use cases of progress tracking technology and reality capture in the built ecosystem. Accompanied by Reid Senescu, VP of Product at Doxel, Richard Acton-Maher, Director of Product at OpenSpace, and

Matt Curry, Head of Product at Avvir, the panel explored the top and emerging solution providers, where the industry is heading with this type of technology adoption, and a break-down of the long term impacts of reality capture and its data in construction.

Foster began the conversation by highlighting the rapid widespread adoption of Reality Capture, a key technology benefiting the ease of progress tracking by minimizing the tedious, manual, and often inaccurate processes of the design and construction process. By utilizing Reality Capture technology, field conditions can be captured in less time and with less effort. The discussion quickly transitioned to how Reality Capture technology has allowed building information modeling, or BIM, to not only be leveraged during the design phase of the project, but also the construction phase.…