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Analyst Briefings, News From Around the Network & Verified Member Contributor Posts

With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

U.S., China ratify, amplify Paris Climate Pact

September 7, 2016

Last week in China, on the eve of the G20 Summit, the world’s two biggest
economies and top polluters took concrete steps to reduce carbon emissions.
Their action all but ensures the Paris Agreement will take effect next

IoT: Connected world faces benefits, threats

September 5, 2016

The ‘Internet of Things’. By now, it’s a term we have all heard, but what
does it really mean? And what does it mean for business? Technologist
Burcin Kaplanoglu takes a deep dive into the mind-boggling promise and
personal privacy concerns of Big Data.

Making ‘little plans’ on Burnham’s big day

September 2, 2016

Master planner Daniel Burnham turns 170 this Sunday. Now, as Chicago
catches its breath in the wake of two big design decisions from George
Lucas and Barack Obama, the late architect behind the Burnham Plan drops by
BuiltWorlds for a surprise visit.

Solar wrap: Aussie tower aims to go off-grid

September 1, 2016

Developers down under have unveiled plans for a soaring 60-story apartment
tower to be wrapped in more than 3,000 sq m of solar panels. The Sol
Invictus Tower aims to be the nation’s first to use a solar-based
engineering scheme in its building frontage.


‘Invisible’ engineer? Not if Bob can help it

August 31, 2016

Thirty years ago this fall, structural engineer Bob Johnson was reading a
news story that mislabeled one of his role models as an ‘architect’. That
mistake launched a lifetime of professional evangelism that has educated
and inspired thousands of potential engineers.

Labor pains: Industry woos next-gen recruits

August 30, 2016

Labor Day Special: Even before the Great Recession caused countless
construction workers to flee our industry, skilled labor shortages were
growing. Today, with demand strong, the need is even greater. Here, we look
at efforts underway to address the crisis.

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.