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Analyst Briefings, News From Around the Network & Verified Member Contributor Posts

With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

Fab 50 VR options for the AEC space

June 1, 2015

VR has come a long way from its novelty days in shopping malls 20
years ago. Flash forward to today where vendors are flooding the AEC
industry with a smorgasbord of VR options. Here, VIATechnik takes a snap
shot of current options to help us all keep track.


Urban lessons offer second chance at natural harmony

May 27, 2015

The industrial city evolved in opposition to nature. But today, as existing
infrastructure requires replacement and demographics predict a crowded
urban future, we now have the opportunity to create a city in harmony with
nature. Here, architect Peter Ellis previews his June 4 talk at BW
on “Restructuring American Cities”. 

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Tech, Real Estate merge, promise virtual possibilities

May 21, 2015

The real estate community converged on BuiltWorlds last week, and while
some in the audience apparently fear losing their jobs to robots, most
expressed excitement about the way technology is transforming their very
traditional world.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

BIM Mandate Puts Brits on Collaborative Frontier

May 21, 2015

Britain’s 2016 mandate for using building information modeling on all large
government projects is fast approaching. Is the UK ready? Once implemented
and accepted, BIM could become the international translator for AEC

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Construction Drones:Eyes in the Sky Climb as Temporary Regulations Near

May 19, 2015

Unmanned aerial systems are fast-becoming a viable tool for more project
stakeholders. This spring, as new federal legislation is introduced for
limited drone use, we look at the market and chat with contractor Graycor
about its successful experiences in Arizona.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Cities Anew: Peter Ellis Nears, Much More to Come

May 14, 2015

On June 4, BuiltWorlds will make a major announcement after a fascinating
evening charrette with international urban planner Peter Ellis. He will
discuss his experience designing an entire city in India and its
applications to the sustainable re-imagining of America’s
aging metropolises.

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.