Daqri deal: Smart + Art
If the left side of the brain is truly the source of artistic creativity,
the analytical minds behind DAQRI’s Smart Helmet now want you to know that
they’ve got that covered, too.
Architecture Must Adapt, or Else
As AIA’s annual show arrives in Atlanta, spend a few moments with Perkins +
Will design principal Eva Maddox, a mover and shaker with a heart and
conscience. Hard Hat Hub recently chatted with her about what the
profession needs most today.
Tech, Real Estate, Food, All We Need Is You!
What’s next for BuiltWorlds? On May 14, Chicago’s fast-growing
super-collider of ideas will host an all-star panel of experts discussing
how technology is completely changing the real estate market before our
very eyes.
Meet Mortenson’s Virtual Maestro
As Star Trek fans know well, anyone named “Khan!” is not to be trifled
with. The same holds true in VDC circles, where a much more benevolent Khan
is leading one of the nation’s largest teams of virtual builders.
BW Sessions: Crowdkeep, in real time
Crowdkeep doesn’t want your employees to work harder, just smarter. Based
in DC, they design technology that can improve the speed and accuracy of
virtually any business. BuiltWorlds sat down with Crowdkeep’s Derek
Nickerson to learn more.
Innovate in Incremental Steps, Not Giant Leaps
Most innovation sneaks up on us a little bit at a time. Eureka! moments are
exceedingly rare and drastic change almost never happens overnight. By
definition, evolution is a process, writes Arup’s Malcolm Turpin.
Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.