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BW Sessions: Bluebeam

August 14, 2014

On Tuesday, August 14, Burnham Works conducted their sixth Tech Talk from
their studio office in Chicago’s west loop.  This week we chatted with Joe
Sullivan from Bluebeam Software, Inc. who highlighted their dynamic and
revolutionary collaboration software, Revu…

One on One with IrisVR’s Founder, Shane Scranton

August 4, 2014

IrisVR’s founder, Shane Scranton, recently sat down with Burnham Works to
talk about his new product and how it will shape the future of
architectural renderings and the 3D marketplace.

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Key Takeaways from the Lean Construction in Practice Conversation

June 19, 2014

Representatives in attendance derived from a myriad of industry
backgrounds,including general contractors, trade contractors, designers,
engineers, technology entrepreneurs and legal consultants. However, despite
the vast breadth of industry fields,all arrived to hear one topic: Lean
Construction in Practice. 

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