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Day Two: Intelligence and sustainability in Materials, Products, and Systems

Sustainability in Building Materials and Systems and in Operations and Maintenance


4.7.2021 9:00AM - 12:15PM


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After looking at emerging technology and its impact on planning and design of building on Day One, on Day Two, we look at Smart Sustainability, how emerging technology is influencing Building Products, Material and Systems and how those changes and other aspects of emerging technology  are impacting the Operations and Maintenance of Buildings.

 Buildings Conference Non-Member Registration


Day Two Speakers

Emma Hendry

Director, Hendry

John Romano

CTO and VP Digital, Infosys

Chungha Cha

Co-Founder and Chair, Reimagining Cities Foundation

Kyle Bolden

Partner, EY

Larry Busch

Area General Manager

Anne Ellis

Executive Director, Charles Pankow Foundation

Sam Boyajian

VP - Integrated Building Technologies, Modern Niagara

Stacy Smedley

Executive Director, Building Transparency

Fin MacDonald

Manager, Zero Carbon Building Program, Canada Green Building Council

Kevin Spencer

Vice President, Energy Solutions, Modern Niagara

Sean Reid

President and Head Coach, Arrowhead Coaching and Facilitation Solutions

Jimmy Mitchell

Sustainability Engineer, Skanska

Axel Connards

President Midwest Region, Lehigh Hanson

Day Two: Intelligence and sustainability in Materials, Products, and Systems

So many of the advances in building products, materials, and systems are about making more sustainable buildings that consume less electricity, water, and other resources while also creating healthy and productive environments for people. Smart and responsive buildings operate more efficiently, are more resilient to shock, and are more adaptable. On Day Two, we will look at case studies in innovation driving these changes.

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Day 1 Schedule

9:00AM – 9:10AM

Welcoming Address

9:15AM – 10:00AM

Panel: Smart and Sustainable Buildings

Emma Hendry, John Romano, Chungha Cha, Kyle Bolden

A discussion with leading industry experts on what defines a smart and sustainable building and the underlying dynamics that impact or accelerate the progress of these concepts and their adoption. Additionally, the panel will also address how these interrelated concepts affect the emergence of the healthy building and convergence between the digital, physical and people elements of a building’s ecosystem.

10:05AM – 10:50AM

Panel: Innovations in Sustainable Concrete

Anne Ellis, Stacy Smedley, Jimmy Mitchell, Ignacio Cariaga, Larry Busch

Capitalizing on the purchasing power of owners and developers to drive embodied carbon targets on construction projects challenged the industry for decades. That power has been unleashed thanks to a digital solution envisioned and developed with the collective resources and collaborative commitment of owners, designers, builders and industry supply chain. Garnering attention and enthusiasts globally, the tool enables embodied carbon-based procurement decisions, supply chain innovation and collective action. Learn more

10:55AM – 11:40AM

Panel: Case Study in zero carbon Building

Sean Reid, Kevin Spencer, Sam Boyajian, Fin MacDonald

What does it take to deliver the world’s first net zero carbon arena? In this session, we’ll hear from the project team at Modern Niagara and the Canada Green Building Council who accomplished exactly that. Earlier this year, Modern Niagara, a leading Canadian mechanical and electrical contractor, announced that it had converted the AMPED Sports Lab and Ice Complex into a zero-carbon building, leveraging innovative mechanical equipment and technology, analytics, and the most current green building standards. During the panel discussion, we’ll discuss what it took to bring together the people, process, data and technology required to pull off this ground-breaking project.

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