3 Key Takeaways from BuiltWorlds’ 2024 AI/ML Preparedness Introductory Research Report

As technological innovations continue to evolve, AI is increasingly being integrated into various aspects of construction and building technology. BuiltWorlds’ 2024 AI/ML Preparedness Introductory Research Report provides a snapshot of AI’s growing presence in the industry and offers valuable insights into how companies are starting to leverage this game-changing technology. While only members can access the full report, we’ll highlight a few key takeaways to give you a sense of the value this introductory research report holds.

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AI Maturity and Satisfaction Scores in Focus

This report reveals a complex reality of the landscape of AI usage—namely, AI adoption is uneven across the industry. Out of 22 technology specialty areas evaluated, three were found to have no current AI-powered solutions identified by survey respondents or BuiltWorlds Venture Dashboard. These gaps were observed within the preconstruction and tools, equipment and robotics categories, signaling that some areas of the industry are slower to adopt AI technologies.

In areas where AI technology is being used, AI-powered solutions have an average maturity rating of 4.1 on a 5-point scale, aligning closely with the maturity of non-AI solutions. However, when it comes to user satisfaction, AI-powered solutions slightly edge out their non-AI counterparts, with an average satisfaction score of 6.3 out of 10, compared to 5.9 for non-AI tools.

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Planning & Design Leads AI Adoption

One of the standout tech specialties in the report is planning and design, where AI solutions are being widely embraced. The report highlights that nearly every planning and design tool identified in BuiltWorlds benchmarking research incorporates some form of AI functionality, more than any other tech specialty area.

In contrast, the preconstruction category remains an area with limited AI activity. Despite the potential for AI to automate tasks like RFP management and procurement, the report identifies few to no solutions that are currently utilizing AI technology in this space.

Field Management and Robotics Show Potential for AI Growth

AI adoption in the field management and project management and oversight categories are seeing gradual growth, with an average of 8.6 and 8.0 AI-powered solutions per tech specialty respectively. In the tools, equipment and robotics category, there’s a mixed landscape: while the robotics sector is beginning to see some AI applications, the tools management space has yet to identify any major AI-enabled solutions.

These findings indicate that while AI has the potential to streamline workflows and improve efficiency across various aspects of construction, its adoption is far from widespread. For those areas where AI is gaining ground, the benefits are becoming more apparent, with higher user satisfaction scores and more solutions coming to market.

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A Varied Landscape of AI Utilization

The 2024 AI/ML Preparedness Introductory Research Report underscores that AI adoption in construction is a work in progress. While certain sectors, such as planning and design, are moving forward quickly, others remain at the starting line. Companies looking to invest in AI-powered solutions will find that the technology is available, but its use and effectiveness can vary greatly depending on the specific application.

Ready to find out more?

This briefing acts as a snapshot of the information provided in BuiltWorlds' 2024 AI/ML Preparedness Introductory Research Report and associated annual Technology Specialty Reports. To see the full set of data and reports, join the BuiltWorlds network and stay up-to-date with the latest in construction, building tech, and infrastructure technology!