Agile Alternatives for Construction Field Management Software Solutions

Revolutionizing construction management through a smart project system, capturing the use of a digital tablet with specialized software against a bustling construction site backdrop

The successful completion of construction projects hinges on efficient coordination and precise management on jobsites. The emergence of field management software solutions has proven to be a critical step in the industry’s digital transformation efforts.

Software solutions assist companies in collecting, capturing, and analyzing their data at every stage of project execution. Field management-specific solutions can provide more efficient and streamlined processes on jobsites, a significant part of the project lifecycle. For many, having a digital source of truth has significantly improved their workforce management, site logistics, and site safety. Collaboration features and real-time updates enable teams to connect in new ways.

As the industry embraces digitization, these solutions are becoming essential for delivering projects on time, within budget, and to the highest safety and quality standards. Industry software giants such as Procore, Autodesk, and Trimble have gained significant traction among large and mid-sized contractors for their project management capabilities and field management solutions. Each of these companies offers a variety of unique solutions that companies can choose from to meet the needs of their projects. However, they come with a high price tag and a significant learning curve, which may not be as palatable for smaller contractors as it is for their larger peers. As a result of these two key hurdles, many smaller contractors continue to identify solutions like Microsoft Excel as their go-to solution for field management and project tracking activities.

Preliminary data from this year’s Field Solutions Survey has revealed the primary use cases that contractors are looking for in their field solution software, as well as the solutions they are using for field management purposes. We have identified the top two use cases for each category of field solution software, as well as some of the software solutions that small to mid-size contractors are using or testing, apart from the well-known software solutions and Excel.

Workforce Management

Top use cases:

  • Plan project teams
  • Identify and resolve scheduling issues

Agile alternatives:

Site Logisitics/Site Management

Top use cases:

  • Coordinate of site deliveries
  • Monitor site logistics workflows

Agile alternatives:

Site Capture/Reality Capture

Top use cases:

  • Progress tracking
  • Quality assurance

Agile alternatives:

Site Safety

Top use cases:

  • Incident prevention
  • Monitor compliance on jobsites

Agile alternatives:

Did we miss any? Take our Field Solutions Survey by May 31, 2024 to share your organization’s field management technology strategy. In return, BuiltWorlds members and first-time respondents are eligible to receive a technology assessment report, which compares respondents’ individual answers against industry averages.