Preview: BuiltWorlds’ 2024 Introductory AI Report

The promise of an incoming "AI Revolution" feels ubiquitous now. However, in reality, users are experiencing different levels of prevalence and satisfaction with AI solutions—often not seeing AI work as this miracle technology that takes over their workflows and tedious tasks, but rather finding software with a small specific AI feature, an AI copilot, or even wondering if their software's AI-powered claims were just a marketing gimmick.

BuiltWorlds understands that measuring the reality and impact of AI functionality across technology solutions is a necessary undertaking. The aim of this report is to start a conversation on tech specialty areas where AI is making a difference and illuminate where the technology has not quite penetrated yet. To gather this information, data was complied from all BuiltWorlds Technology Specialty Reports and an investigation on 3rd party resources.

Our comprehensive 2024 Introductory AI/ML Report is only the beginning. AI/ML Research Track Members will have access to the in-depth findings upon the report's publication. This article serves as a preview to those insightful findings by presenting three key takeaways.

Solution Maturity

The vast majority of BuiltWorlds survey respondents, across all tech specialty areas, use solutions with a maturity rating of 4 or 5 on BuiltWorlds Maturity Index. This made the overall average maturity of solutions using AI vs. solutions not using AI similar to each other. There are a few categories with a relatively large variance in maturity between solutions using AI and those not using AI. Tech specialty areas where the maturity of solutions not using AI was notably higher than solutions using AI include the equipment and machinery marketplace and contracting solutions. Tenant services and user experience and energy systems and HVAC were two areas where solutions using AI had average maturity scores notably higher than the solutions not offering AI functionality to users.

Solution Satisfaction

As a whole, the average satisfaction for all solutions using AI was greater than the average satisfaction of all solutions not using AI. In the majority of tech specialty areas, the average satisfaction rating of solutions using AI is higher than that of solutions not using AI. In only 5 of 24 tech specialty areas examined, the average satisfaction score of solutions not using AI was higher than those using AI. In two areas, satisfaction scores between solutions using and not using AI were tied. The largest difference in satisfaction between solutions using AI vs. solutions not using AI was in planning and design.

Solution Prevalence

Overall, when it comes to the prevalence of solutions offer AI functionality to users, nearly all tech specialty areas had solutions identified by survey respondents or the BuiltWorlds Venture Dashboard that use AI. Only 3 of the 24 tech specialty areas examined in this report have no solutions identified as utilizing AI. Two-thirds of the tech specialty areas with no identified AI solutions fall under the preconstruction category. Of all five categories examined, preconstruction solutions had the lowest average average number of solutions per tech specialty area using AI.