This month, BuiltWorlds partnered with Microsoft to bring you three exclusive briefs that provide insight into how to create a digital-first roadmap for your built business. From IoT to AI and more, we explored a bevy of technologies and how you can best implement them in an efficient manner. Understanding these emerging trends and the technological landscape ahead of you keep you ahead of the curve moving forward. Here’s a breakdown of the three briefs:
The Rise of A.I. In Construction Research Brief
From design, to project management, to jobsite safety, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is transforming the way we construct the world. It comes at the perfect time, too, with predictions of construction spending trending toward a nearly 30% increase in the coming years. Sign up for free to dig into our 6-page research brief that will help give you the tools you need to adapt to this ever-changing environment.
Microsoft’s Digital-First Road Map
This eBook, paired with BuiltWorlds’ exclusive insights, explains why the road toward digitization is something that needs to be on your radar today.
The Digital Playbook: A Beginner’s Guide to Data Suites, Mobile, and IoT for your Built Business
The built industry is at the tipping point of its next game-changing revolution. Getting left behind in this surge of tech adoption can be a death knell for anyone in the industry. Microsoft’s free eBook and BuiltWorlds’ insights can help you create a roadmap for change within your company. Digitizing age-old processes is a daunting task. Doing so, however, can be cost and time efficient, open doors for new innovation, and generate data you never knew you needed.
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