December 8, 2021 – Analyst Call: Smart Jobsites


It’s time to improve construction productivity and bring jobsites into the 21st century. This call examined the ways in which project data has been historically leveraged to make decisions, reduce risk and increase productivity. Additionally we discussed the various areas of opportunity to take advantage of the new data sources previously intangible within project delivery and what sources of data have not yet been brought to the forefront. all focused on The Power of Good Data: Data Strategies on Projects to hear from thought leaders on what the right data and access to it can do for your project. Learn more about BuiltWorlds’ Smart Jobsite topics to improve your project’s team visibility, real-time decision-making processes, and performance.



Dimitrios Farmakis, VP of Product, ALICE Technologies

Kelly Doyle, Chief Operating Officer, ProjectReady

Thai Nguyen, Director, Hensel Phelps