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With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Net-Zero Cost-Benefits justify Early Hurdles

December 18, 2015

It may be a stretch to suggest net-zero energy buildings have gone main
street, but they are certainly getting attention. Get ready for more, too,
as the market learns how to profit from the greenest of buildings. 

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

New Era Now Dawning, says Autodesk CTO

December 16, 2015

First came the Hunter-Gatherer Age, followed by the Industrial Age, and
then the Information Age, said Autodesk’s Jeff Kowalski, speaking earlier
this month at AU in Las Vegas. Now, we are all at the dawn of the Augmented
Age, he says.

Arcbazar Brings architecture to the people

December 15, 2015

You can’t crowdsource quality, can you? After a withering welcome from
architecture’s old guard, Boston-based Arcbazar now is winning over fans,
skeptics, and investors with its mission to bring good design even to tiny

Daqri, Topcon Team To Deliver Wearables To AEC Masses

December 7, 2015

DAQRI, creator of the industrial-grade Smart Helmet that connects humans to
their work environments, will work with Topcon Positioning to create new
tools that will make workers on job sites both safer and more productive.

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Smart Move: Bechtel Leans into Push for Resilient Infrastructure

December 4, 2015


EPC giant Bechtel may be mammoth, but it is not the only elephant in the
room when it comes to infrastructure investment. Smarter, more resilient
solutions are the best way to maximize limited resources, the firm says.

Autodesk Debuts Docs ‘GaMe-changer’ in Vegas, Bets BIg On Skycatch

December 1, 2015

This week, as world leaders convene in Paris to draw a roadmap for
environmental innovation, AEC tech leaders have gathered in Las Vegas at
Autodesk University, where the “future of making things” already is making

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