What You Need to Know About 2024’s Tools, Equipment and Robotics Market Overview

The construction industry is on the verge of a transformative era driven by technological advancements, including various innovations related to tools, equipment, and robotics. BuiltWorlds' new comprehensive research track on Tools, Equipment, and Robotics serves as a research-informed and data-driven holistic guide. The track provides an industry-wide view of crucial innovations and a ‘what it means’ breakdown for contractors and other industry stakeholders. This research provides leaders with essential insights, enabling them to navigate the complex world of business decisions and lead transformative initiatives.

Recently, we released a comprehensive 2024 Market Overview on Tools, Equipment, and Robotics, providing an in-depth analysis of the current state of innovation related to these tech areas. This article presents three key takeaways from the report:

Emergence of Next-generation Safety Solutions

Equipment safety solutions are rapidly emerging in the market, with the main goal of ensuring the safety of workers on job sites while also improving productivity and efficiency. Autonomous equipment, including vehicles equipped with autonomous capabilities, represents a significant advancement in this direction. Another solution involves the use of smart software, such as object detection technology, automatic crash control systems, and slope/tip control features.

Alternatives To Diesel Are Here And Available

One significant trend in job site sustainability involves the transition from traditional fossil fuels to cleaner and more sustainable alternatives, such as biofuels and electric power. Biofuels, derived from renewable sources like plant materials or waste, are increasingly being used to power construction equipment and machinery. Additionally, we have observed the introduction of electric-powered fleets from major construction equipment companies, with several options available on the market from each. This shift aims to reduce carbon emissions and decrease the industry's reliance on non-renewable resources.


Integrating autonomous technology within construction is challenging due to high costs and regulatory hurdles. Companies are hesitant to commit financially if unsure of the technology's viability and return on investment. Despite this, from those who have implemented robotic solutions in their tech stacks, we've seen long term cost savings reported in two areas: labor costs and project budget management through optimizing resource utilization.

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