2023 Construction Tech Conference Day 2 Highlight

BuiltWorlds’ 2023 Construction Tech Conference had its final day of sessions on Thursday, July 20, which was followed by BuiltWorlds announcing the 2023 Top Solutions alongside a reception to end conference.This Chicago conference hosts leading tech adopters, mature solution providers, upcoming tech solutions, and more industry players to unpack the current pulse of trends among the built world. This intentionally curated environment takes a holistic look at how technology is impacting the way that we build today–from pre-construction to the systematic dismantling of a building. The conference was hosted in the historic Fulton Market district at the 19-story 280-foot 333 North Green Street Tower.

Aligning Processes & Technology

Construction Tech 2024
Featuring Speakers: Hamzah Shanbari, Director of Innovation, The Haskell Company; Ariel Castillo, Strategic Process & VDC Specialist, Miller-Davis Company; and Jason Tschetter, Sr. Director of Field Technology & Innovation, Mortenson

“When we think about a mega-project we have enough scale to get through the learning curve . If you can take on a full project like that and get through that change management, get the subs on board, get the VDC team on board, get the kinks worked out, the first floor might take awhile but by the time you get to the third of fourth floor, you have a case study that has this whole arc that you can talk about. "- Jason Tschetter, Mortenson

Managing your Jobsite: Enhanced Tracking through IoT and Collaboration Solutions

Featuring Speakers: Jeff Danley, Director of Innovation, Burns & McDonnell; Chris Callen, CEO & Founder, PLOT; and Dale Beard, CEO & Founder, Intelliwave Technologies

I think that when it comes down to risk, software can have a very crucial part in identifying a trail of what actually occurred, whether that be verification from IoT or simply just capturing a conversation that otherwise would have been a meeting or a call or a text message. Software can do a good job of painting a picture of what’s going on and encourage contractors to start to take a closer look because they know that it is being brought to the light." - Chris Callen, PLOT

Reality Capture: What is the Real Opportunity Today?

Reality Capture
Featuring Speakers: Adam Cisler, Senior Solution Engineer, Avvir; Felix Neufeld, Co-Founder & CEO, Disperse; Marco Herbst, CEO, Evercam

From my perspective the construction tech space is playing a mature industry but it really isn’t. What we really should be focusing on rather than playing these competitive games of “what is your corner of the market and what is my corner of the market?”, is to collectively take as step back and question why we haven’t really moved the needle. - Felix Neufeld, Disperse

Case Study: Robotics in the Field

robotics case study
Featuring Speakers: Tessa Lau, Founder & CEO, Dusty Robotics; and Dana Burzo, Project Manager, LIFTbuild

We were looking for a way to cut our cycle time and that started our conversations with Dusty where we saw an advantage for using the robot for layout. It wasn’t until we had actually interacted with the robot that we first thought ‘hey we need to get all this loading information on the floor, this would be a huge advantage to our cycle time’.

Rather than a person being on their hands and knees snapping the lines, just trying to meet a deadline, he was able to take a step back, look at the whole entire situation and back check and look for intricacies, and we were able to get a lot more value out of using the technologies together, rather than just trying to meet a deadline snapping lines.  - Dana Burzo, LIFTbuild

A Look Into the Distant (or Maybe Not so Distant) Future

Construction Tech 2023
Featuring Speakers: Amy Peck, CEO, EndeavorXR; Hammad Chaudhry, National Director of Project Delivery Services, EllisDon; and Christian Burger, President, Burger Consulting Group

The main function that our IT Teams have been told to prioritize is operations and maintenance, 'make sure that you have a way to keep the lights on'. There’s a system in place to overcome that, but how do we shift and start making IT part of that strategy? Because they don’t have an innovation budget, they don’t have R&D. I think they can barrier but they could also be a partner in making a project successful. " - Danielle O'Connell Name, Skanska