Israeli Start-Up Buildots and British Builder Wates Group: A Case Study in Three Key Industry Trends

At our July Projects Conference, Buildots co-founder and chief product officer, Aviv Leibovici, gave us an overview of both the history of his pilot efforts with Wates Group and also the next generation photo recognition and other on site process automation functionality behind his start up.  As we reported in our investment activity recap for July 2020, Buildots recently closed a $13 million investment round with backing from Israeli and German investment groups TLV Partners, Innogy Ventures, and Tidhar Group.

The presentation revealed that Buildots is a great illustrations of three themes we are examining in the coming month:

Theme One – The Critical Role of Effective Pilot Programs.

Buildots was little more than a concept in 2018 when they landed the opportunity to work with Wates Group‘s Residential Group. Wates is one of the UK’s largest, privately held construction, development, and property services companies. In just a couple of years, from the inception of that pilot effort, Buildots has emerged as a serious player in the field of project management, and Wates Residential has gained a valuable new solution.  We will be discussing the effective design and management of pilot programs on this Wednesday’s Analyst Call.

Join Us for This Month's Venture Call: Running Effective Pilot Programs


Theme Two: Next Generation Scheduling Technology is Reaching Maturity

After decades of learning to manage projects via GANTT and PERT Chart Schedules, new kinds of technologies and philosophies are finally becoming broadly adopted. Photo and scan recognition, AI-based parametric analysis, and model integrated schedule technology are reaching the maturation point. Builders not adopting these technologies will now increasingly be viewed as late adopter or laggards in this category. We will have more about the techniques, solutions, opportunities and challenges in upcoming briefs, and we will also move deeper into this discussion at this month’s Smart Job Site Analyst Call, September 16th.

Join Us For Our September Smart Job Sites Call


Theme Three: The BuildWorlds Ecosystem is Increasingly Globally Interconnected

Whether you company is competing in one town, one country, or around the world, it is increasingly apparent that the BuiltWorlds ecosystem is global. What is transpiring in one country or region may provide valuable insights into a trend, technology, or company that may see traction in another region.  Founded by Israeli entrepreneurs, fueled by a partnership with a British builder, and funded by a groups from a mix of countries including Israel and Germany, Buildots illustrates how quickly a small start up can come to forge global ties in the industry and have impact well beyond its home border. We see increasing instances of these cross-country efforts. At our Global Summit, we will be examining in greater depth the companies leading the global effort, the kinds of initiatives at play, and the implications for stakeholders in the worlds of buildings and infrastructure, everywhere. The stakes in the forging of this global network and the establishment of regional innovation hubs are high for solutions providers, industry players, investors, and even those regional economies, themselves.

2020 Digital Global Summit
2020 Global Summit

For more information on the events of interest, click below, and to watch the Buildots presentation from our 2020 Project Delivery Conference, just visit the Buildots directory page, or click the image below: