BuiltWorlds Session: Nick Durham, General Partner, Shadow Ventures

Nick Durham, General Partner at Shadow Ventures sat down with our team at the 2023 Buildings Conference to talk about what he’s seeing take place in the ecosystem through an investor lens and what lays ahead for Shadow Ventures in the next year.

Durham explains that there has been a recent slowing of funding across the build ecosystem and that has made finding opportunities within the build space more challenging but it’s also helped to focus on great opportunities when they are found.

Durham says that he’s excited about the rise of AI technologies and how those can be implemented into the built ecosystem in a lot of different ways. Durham continues to say that this not only helps contracting companies but has also been incredibly useful within the venture space as well as now his team can sift through larger sets of data quicker and that allows them to make more informed decisions.

Another area within the ecosystem that Durham is focused is on workforce technology and how to bridge the gap between the current workforce and the shortage that we face as the baby boomer generation slowly start to phase out of the workforce and into retirement.

Join us at Americas Summit to hear More from Shadow Ventures: 

Next month at our 2023 Americas Summit taking place September 19-21 in Chicago, IL – KP Reddy, CEO & Founder of Shadow Ventures will be speaking about the past decade since BuiltWorlds inception as part of our, “BuiltWorlds Almost Ten Years, What has Changed” panel. This panel is part of our pre-events taking place on September 19th at East Bank Club. KP will be joined by other long-term BuiltWorlds Members including: 

Please visit our 2023 Americas Summit landing page for more information about this event and email info@builtworlds.com to make a ticket inquiry

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