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Analyst Briefings, News From Around the Network & Verified Member Contributor Posts

With news making headlines every day in the built world, Analyst Briefings, News From Network Members, and Expert Contributor Posts help keep member connected and up to date.

In addition to our own Analyst Briefings, our Verified Contributor Program empowers members to submit analysis in their fields of expertise, while our News from Around the Network pulls updates posted by member companies from their company pages to help keep the network connected.

Biz Intel: To Measure Data is to Manage it

March 7, 2016

Every job is different, so it’s hard to deliver consistent quality on time,
within budget. The key is to avoid woes before they arise and to implement
as many best practices as possible. That requires business intelligence,
says Lantern Data’s Marc Krichman.

Women: Why Are There Still so Few in Our Industry?

March 7, 2016

We kick off National Women in Construction Week with words from NAWIC board
member Liz Evans of the AGC of Washington. She speaks with ‘Engineer Girl’
Patricia Galloway and other inspiring figures who are changing our industry
for the better. 

Clean Energy Trust Challenges 14 Finalists

March 4, 2016

Game on! Fourteen student startups and early-stage entrepreneurs are now
finalists in the annual Clean Energy Trust challenge, vying for slices of a
$1-million pie that aims to spur innovation in the clean tech field.
Winners will be named April 12.

3D-Printed Temporary Facility Hosts EU in Amsterdam

March 4, 2016

On March 30, BuiltWorlds will host a fascinating program on The Realities
of 3D Printing. Here, Civil Engineering magazine shows how a temporary
convention center in The Netherlands is expanding our concept of those
concrete realities.

No Sweat: NU Student Partners All Smiles as 3D Printing Challenge Nears

March 2, 2016

With just four weeks until their live display at The Realities of 3D
Printing, it would be fair to assume that our BuiltWorldsNU team, including
six engineering students at Northwestern University, is finally feeling the
pressure. Well, think again…

Older BuiltWorlds Articles

Future Water: Flint Fix Stirs Wide Debate

March 1, 2016

Stevie Wonder and other stars gathered in Flint MI for a relief concert
last week, but their benefit tour will have to add many more dates if every
city with lead-tainted water woes signs on. On March 10, BuiltWorlds will
join the discussion. 

Have an interesting topic or piece of news that you'd like us to write about? Email research@builtworlds.com with your ideas.